Are YOU Ready to Become who you were TRULY Meant to Be?
Let me share with you how FEEL TO HEAL 1.0 came to life and why it’s so special to me, what I am here to teach you, and how it can transform you…
I didn’t realize that in order to become who I have always wanted to be, I had to FEEL everything and become vulnerable in every possible way. The smile on my face today didn’t happen overnight, and if you saw my face years ago, you would not have known or realized the pain that I was in physically and emotionally. I walked around everyday with these “hidden” thoughts and feelings that no one ever knew about or noticed unless I shared them. On the outside, everything looked perfect. I was the high-achieving, driven, highly sensitive female leader who had everything and who was kicking a#%…so I thought. The reality is that the past 10 years of my life were a struggle…physically and emotionally regardless of what my external environment looked like. Inside I was a mess, unhappy, anxious, struggling, overwhelmed, overspending, and constantly fighting for recognition.
Almost 10 years ago, I became a mom. I was so excited to move into this part of my life, but didn’t realize that being a mom meant giving up aspects of myself and life that I really wanted to keep, including my career and dreams. The truth of the matter was that I wasn’t ready to step into the concept of “mom”. This was supposed to be the happiest time in my life, but instead I faced a year of chronic vertigo, migraines and going to every specialist in the state of Massachusetts to learn and find that “nothing was wrong with me”. I couldn’t drive, I was frustrated. I remember walking down hallways at work thinking I was always going to fall down, but I kept going. When I returned from maternity leave, I was expecting a promotion, and instead I was blindsided with the death of my uncle on 11/22/11 who was like a father to me, and was also told that “I wasn’t good enough” to take on this new role. YET, I was good enough to stay in the role I was in, get a nice raise and train my new boss. I was LOST, EGO was CRUSHED and at my lowest point, so I thought…
I then chose to go INSIDE, ask myself some deep questions like, “is who I thought I was not the world’s perception of me?” and even “what is wrong with me? Why am I getting rejected when I know I can do this and am worth it?”.
I have to tell you that those few years there were quite the blur for me, out of anger and frustration I kept working harder, turned to self-help books like the Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte and in person events, therapists, psychics and healers to help me FEEL better. I had seen doctors at least once per month and if there was a VIP option at the doctor’s office, I would definitely have had the membership. I also started to feel lost in my marriage and even in friendships. I had taken on these great leadership roles starting wellness initiatives and coaching clients, but I began to notice that I was getting overwhelmed easily, something felt off. I then had my son, and my life REALLY shifted. I began having so many fears after I gave birth to him. Fear of falling and dying young, suicide ideation, missing out on life, and didn’t want to be alone out of FEAR. I began seeing images and I was scared of them. I didn’t tell anyone about these thoughts and visions because I knew no one would understand, and they would put me in some place away from my kids. SO I kept it a secret and chose to deal with it on my own.
Before I knew it, my body was having more migraines, back and neck pain, stomach issues, brain fog and a variety of nervous system reactions. I mean you name it…I had felt it. Meanwhile to avoid all of the fears and physical symptoms I knew that if I focused on my dreams, worked a little harder, I would get there. I had decided to take care of two little kids, a home, husband, full time job and build a business was a great idea.
BECAUSE WHY NOT?! I didn’t want to give up my dreams of having my career, and I knew that I could do it. I refused to listen to all of the physical symptoms that I had because I thought they would just go away. They didn’t.
November 2016, I had gone with almost 45 days straight with migraines with aura, I had been to every healer I could think of and find. Had tried many therapies, cat-scans and blood work, and had spent thousands of dollars at this point. Simultaneously, I had experienced a challenging point in my business and in my marriage. They were breaking. I wanted to leave my job out of anger and frustration of being rejected, and my body had enough. On thanksgiving I had thought this was it. I was dying from cancer or something and they couldn’t find it. I ended up having a reaction to a medication and ended up in the hospital and I remember lying on the bed holding my husband’s hand and thinking I was going to die. They gave me some “cocktail” and told me to go home. I was like huh?! I don’t even know where I am…I don’t even know what to do…so there I was… I went home. The next day I was told that this was all anxiety. I couldn’t get out of bed for months without being exhausted and looking at my kids feeling awful about where I was. I had failed them as a mother, and even more…myself. I called my mom to come and take care of me for a few days, and she sat me down and said, Connie, your father has been through the same thing his whole life. I always swore that I wouldn’t be like my dad because he was always not feeling well…well, I am my dad and wanted to have this tough skin like my mom. Turns out I was wrong about all of it. There were more wounds there than I even knew…
The next 4 months out on medical leave is what launched my healing and spiritual journey, and I have to admit, it has not been easy at times. I won’t sugar coat it, but I am GRATEFUL and better because of my choice to do the WORK. Through it all I had to gain clarity regarding my personal story, my passions, and my energy. I learned how to step out of my head and inside of my body, the power of presence, learning to find my inner compass, using my voice, and to get back to CENTER STAGE (my heart, self-love), I had to FEEL to HEAL because the only way was through. I couldn’t avoid it ANYMORE. All of the physical manifestations was ME running from myself outside of myself, not accepting myself as I am, my worth, choosing to stay stuck in FEAR, ANGER, not accepting myself as mother, healing wounds..and ignoring ALL signs. Understanding the power we have when we connect our head and our heart is magical. The past 4 years have prepared me to share what I have learned with you as your guide to help you transition through the challenging aspects of your life with openness, kindness, compassion, and curiosity. There are different ways to achieve success, and you get to do it on your terms without the need for emotional and physical suffering. Do you believe that?! I proved myself wrong, and you can too!
If you resonate with my story, are READY to look at yourself in the mirror, do the work, feel whatever is there, I invite you to consider being 1 of 12 in my next intimate and customized Feel to Heal 1.0 class.
In this 7 Week experience, I am going to guide you to:
- Access your intuition to empower you in your decision-making.
- Learn to trust yourself and awaken your inner confidence to become more self-reliant.
- Honor your voice and communicate what you REALLY want to say.
- Increased self-awareness to understand why you are in your head so much.
- Discover what thoughts, beliefs and perceptions are holding you back from your desired life AND SHIFT THEM.
- Activate your top 5 Clifton Strengths and talents to stop wasting your time on what isn’t serving you.
- Release control, fear, suffering, and open up to feeling more energized and in flow.
- Have a deeper understanding of your Astrology Chart, Human Design, and Passions to gain clarity about your life purpose.
- Learn techniques to shift patterns centered around rejection, abandonment and control.
- Connect to your energy centers, and understand how your physical symptoms and emotions are interconnected.
- BONUSES: self-awareness through meditations, weekly workbook exercises/reflections, group interaction and coaching.
This is how we will work together:
- Weekly LIVE 120 Minute Zoom sessions Tuesday evenings from 7:00-9:00 pm EST
- Private and active Facebook Community to reflect on weekly topics and engage.
- Weekly in depth workbooks, meditations, videos and resources to support you along your journey in member portal.
- 1 one-on-one session with me to do a DEEP DIVE and answer any questions you may have.
- Weekly Oracle Readings in the Facebook group
- Clifton Strengths Finder or Builder Profile assessment
- Guest Experts
- A blend of fun and spiritual growth!
Who is this for?
High-achieving, driven, sensitive, anxious rock stars who are looking to advance in your career and in your life by getting out of your head and into your body. You are someone who is ready to not reject yourself anymore. Ready to lead and uplevel by embracing all of you and believing that you are ENOUGH and are ready to do the work to create your JOY.
If you are ready to…
- Be Committed
- Be Open
- Be Vulnerable
- Be Ready to Awaken
- Focus on your JOY and Gratitude everyday
- Speak your truth
- Be who you were always meant to be
Then let’s do this together and help you live your JOYFUL life from the inside out. Check out this informational webinar on the class. Next Class Begins 5/23/23
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