2014 has been an amazing year for me, I became a mom again to a little boy and motherhood became that much cooler to me. I looked at my two kids and said wow, I’m your mom and I want to be a cool, fun, hardworking and successful mom. At that point, I decided that I was also ready to take a leap…and focus on my mission, my purpose in life: help people find their life’s path and purpose and be healthy while they’re doing it…Soul Sync Wellness took a new turn, logo was changed, new website is in the works (2015 launch), and I put together the new plan. The plan to take this hobby that I have been doing for over 5 years to the next level. People started calling me, I started experiencing this synchronicity that everyone talks about, and I knew ultimately I was on the right path. I became more intuitive and began letting my soul guide me instead of my head. I had always wondered how I got to where I had arrived or why I had been where I had been…It finally had made sense to me.
I then decided that I needed to do a little more soul searching to ensure that I had figured out everything that I had wanted and needed to do to take this forward so I did what I always do, self-reflect…. I asked myself 3 questions:
Q. When am I the happiest?
A. When I am being creative, having fun, being with my family, feeling healthy, creating something new, and seeing success in others.
Q. Why would anyone want to learn from and work with me?
A. I’m outgoing, I love to have fun and laugh, I ask reflective questions, I sense people’s energies, I have a voice just like others do, I’ve struggled and I have thrived, I strive to have a healthy life, I am a mom, wife, and career woman, and I’m dedicated to helping people in anyway that I can.
Q. What’s stopping me from taking the leap?
A. Me. My fear of succeeding and failing, the unknown, so many people are doing the “health” thing…how do I distinguish me as me?
The last question there was probably the easiest to answer, yet the hardest to overcome. I mean…how easy is it really to stop the critic inside you? (not that easy). I took a moment closed my eyes and breathed into this thought and said STOP out-loud to myself. I knew that the only person holding me back was myself. I realized that I had my tools all in my toolbox, and all I needed to do was to allow myself the opportunity to actually leap and release the worry.
The truth is that no matter how many life experiences you have, education, or certifications, we all continue to learn and grow each day. As time went on this past year I began to say, if I meet fear, I’ll acknowledge it and kindly move on, and if I fail, it has made me that much stronger and has taken me towards the direction that I need to go in….and succeeding….well, that means that I am happy. In turn, I started doing what made me happy each day, and I can truly say that as we come to a close this year, I am ready to take the leap….
My advice to you if you feel like you are not sure where you are going or if what you are doing makes sense, ask yourself these 3 simple questions.
And, I forgot to share one awesome resource that helped me shift my thinking slowly over the past few years…I know many moms will say…”well, you had children”…that’s true, but what opened my soul more was The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte. I’ve used it with friends, colleagues, and clients…more importantly, I used it myself. In 2015, I’m taking the leap with this and bringing it to groups starting here in Massachusetts. If you are ready to take the leap with me, learn more and sign up here. You owe it to yourself to dig deep, be real, dream big, and achieve it.
Happy Holidays from my Family to yours.
Connie 🙂