As a health coach, I get this question all of the time….”what app can I add to my phone or iPad to help hold me accountable for my health and wellness goals?” I have spent a lot of time searching for one that meets my clients needs, but can’t say that I have found my favorite one just yet…so until then…here you have it, Connie’s version of favorite apps:
1. Foodily–An opportunity to share recipes or follow someone who has great healthy recipes! I personally follow Dr. Mark Hyman’s feed…good stuff!
2. Fooducate–probably one of my favs! Provides you with an opportunity to scan your items at the grocery store while you are shopping and provides you with healthier options! It’s your personal shopper…and provides great education about the products (especially if you are looking for non-GMO products and specific foods for allergies)
3. FitID–track your meals, fitness activity and post pictures of your progress. Your friends can comment and help keep you motivated through positive thoughts!
4. Fitocracy–A great way to motivate yourself and your friends through goal setting. It’s an awesome way to keep track of how you have been doing and receive advice from fitness or even nutrition experts on keeping your goals moving forward.
5. GPS4Soul–ever look for a way to relax or take a moment to meditate? This app assesses your stress levels and makes recommendations on ways to help you relax and take a moment from that stressful day!
There are many more out there for sure…it’s all about finding what works for you! Many of the apps are focused on calories, diets and overall bring people working together towards a common goal. We all know that the networking method helps us achieve our goals, right?! I encourage you to find one that works for you based on what your individual needs are. Even though social media is an excellent resource to help us achieve our goals, it might not be for everyone and it can also overwhelm us. I always like to emphasize the inner work that we all need to do to find the core reason(s) why one might not be achieving those health and wellness goals. Before you make a decision on which one might work, answer the following three fill in the blanks for yourself to help guide you to the app closest to your needs:
- My health and wellness goals are _________________________________
- The support I need to accomplish my goals are ________________________________
- I can get overwhelmed by ____________________________________________
Once you have your answers, compare it to the goal of the apps available to you and try it out! Best of luck as you begin your journey!
Much love,
Connie 🙂